Friday, February 13, 2009

Birthday presents!

I had a really great time yesterday!
This has to be the most memorable birthday I've ever had cause I don't usually celebrate my birthday in the past and I don't really have this many people to celebrate it with!

Thanks to every single person who contributed to making this day special!

Here are the presents I received:

A monkey plush toy with stretchable arms from Marie
(The reason why she got me this is because we have this joke about her clapping her hands like a chimpanzee whenever she laughs at a joke :P)

A "Kago Jen" strap from Trisha
(This is so cool... I love this so much :D)

A kewpie cellphone strap from Toshio
(I'm still thinking of whether or not to attach this to my phone cause it's kinda big :P
Okay... I'll just do it)

Got a deck of karuta cards from Zhao
(As he said, if it's from him, it's gotta be educational :P)

Got a box of eraseable color pens and a notebook from Donican
(She said she got me a notebook because she and Tienchi doodled on my old notebook :P)

A pair of earrings from Tomomi
(I only have one ear pierced so I'm now thinking of having my other ear pierced for this :))

A pink heart-shaped throw pillow from Tienchi
(very Tienchi, eh?)

Two boxes of Kraft Mac n Cheese from Shinobu
(Kind of a long story but the short version is that Shinobu was addicted to this stuff during his stay in Canada)

Thanks a lot for the presents!

Thanks also for the birthday messages:
Robert and Grace, Mama, Dada, Jay, Atsi Christine, Jeric, Florian, Candice, Denmark, Faiz, Souzen, Mike, Hiroki, and Sayaka :)


jamezu said...

Hey happy birthday! The hello kitty in a banana is very cute hehe. Glad you enjoyed your first birthday in Japan :)

Booyah! said...

the hello kitty in a banana was a gift from faiz a couple of months ago :D

and yeah, i had a really great bday ;)