Tuesday, February 3, 2009

January highlights: January 24 - ICE Breaking party

On January 24, IUK's ICE and Ryushikai, two international exchange related clubs co-organized an international exchange party they called "Let's ICE Breaking." The aim was to provide a setting where international residents of Kagoshima can get to meet the local residents and vice versa. More than 60 people signed up and everyone enjoyed a great afternoon.

Here is Hayashi before the party, trying to squeeze out some English to write on Faiz's farewell scrap book

Erina was in charge of the reception desk, where name plates were waiting to be handed out to the participants

Here are the multinational snacks prepared by the organizers for the party guests

Here's Souzen doing the final run-through with the staff and volunteers before the real thing

Guess who were the first to arrive :D
Yuna, Ai, and Shiori

The emcees for the day: Sayaka and me
(the Mickey ears were to make it easy for people to pick us out from the crowd)


quite a crowd, huh?

a few words from the departing exchange students...
that's Tienchi with the mic

Group picture, everyone!
Thanks for a fun afternoon!

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